Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sonic the Hedgehog/Sonic Universe/etc.

So my friend MouseMuffins has been sending me covers of upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Universe issues and OMD I am super excited for all the new issues! Yay! I swear though, it seems that everytime me and another friend plan something for our fancomic, Archie goes and does it first. We made it just so we could have Silver in it, and what do ya know? He was in the VERY NEXT ISSUE. ARGH!

Actually, I like Silver, it just makes us look unoriginal. Aaah. But anyways, in a few Sonic Universe issues, there's gonna be a future storyline that's 30 YEAR LATER. Just like ours. But I'm psyched for it because there seems to be SonSal-ness in it and I totally ship them. And kidses! Kidseskidseskidses! Seriously, if nothing else, I'd read only for their mindblowingly cute kids.

The covers are in reverse order, sorry. Blame the program. But SU #6 makes me squee.

Also, Transformers 2 is coming out next month. Woohoo! Been watching the new animated series which is awesomer than I thought it was going to be. If only they could make a full-length movie about it....

"Buffy: We have a marching jazz band?
Oz: Yeah, but, you know, since the best jazz is improvisational, we'd be going off in all directions, banging into floats... Scary.
Willow: He's just being Oz.
Oz: Pretty much full-time. "
Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Spider-Man

What do these two awesome series have in common? I'm very obsessed with them at the moment. Think this all comes down to the awesome quote:
Buffy - "My spider-sense is tinging."
Giles - "Your what?"
Buffy - "Sorry, pop culture reference."

Hmmm...what would a crossover look like? A snark-fest, that's for sure. And definitely NO Buffy/Giles shipping. grosssgrossgrossgross. It should have Venom in it, and plenty of other supernatural critters, too. Vampires could be fun. I wonder how Spidey would do at slaying and Buffy and co. do at superheroing?

I'm getting excited thinking about it. It'd need some sort of a plot, of course, even if it's just 'Scooby gang and Web-head meet up and do stuff.' ...actually, that's not bad. Just needs a bit more teenage angst and brooding and school and stuff. And mini-pizzas.

And, since I'm planning on ending every blog post with a quote, here it is:

"'There could be more math. This could be mathier'" - Xander, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

First Post

First post. Huzzah!

I'm probably going to talk about loads of random stuff on here, including the novel I'm currently working on (and failing). I'll try to be serious once in a while, but note that this won't be gauranteed.

Also, the name of this blog won't make any sense until you go here